Author Topic: A Question for you Current CFIs, AND Active Students (PPL, CPL, Inst., etc.)  (Read 28783 times)

Offline chuckar101

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Hey there soccermom, have flown around the stockton area yet.  Now thats fun, not only do these guys not know radio terminology, they don't understand english either.  The best is when you get one of these students in a baron doing approaches.  You just can't get a woed in.  And the instructors on some of these aircraft are just as bad. ::banghead:: ::banghead::  The best is when I go into work and the students are talking their native language instead of english.  The they ask why I get frustrated with them.  Ahh the joys of teaching international students
WOW I did that!

Offline Rooster Cruiser

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Hey there soccermom, have flown around the stockton area yet.  Now thats fun, not only do these guys not know radio terminology, they don't understand english either.  The best is when you get one of these students in a baron doing approaches.  You just can't get a woed in.  And the instructors on some of these aircraft are just as bad. ::banghead:: ::banghead::  The best is when I go into work and the students are talking their native language instead of english.  The they ask why I get frustrated with them.  Ahh the joys of teaching international students

Not only have I done Stockton, I have also flown in and out of Bakersfield and Napa CA, which are home to a couple of big flight schools that cater to the "English as Second Language" students and instructors. ::eek:: ::unbelieveable::  My new home field in SoCal has yet another flight school that does the same, so I am going to have to keep my head on a swivel and one ear open attempting to decipher some badly broken english whilst getting comfortable in the new operation!

Don't bother getting frustrated with them, Chuckar.  Just keep yer head low, get in, and get out without being hit by somebody!  Good luck to ya!   |:)\
"Me 'n Earl was haulin' chickens / On a flatbed outta Wiggins..."

Wolf Creek Pass, by CW McCall

Offline chuckar101

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luckily I'm done with that part of the career.  Now I just go mess with them in the chieftan when I have an amflight trainee. 
WOW I did that!

Offline G-man

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Flew the Napa area for 8 years dealing with JAL. The worst place in the country now--especially for helicopters is KTIX due to the helicopter school there. It took me 17 minutes ones from my first call to getting airborne. The tower (two years ago anyway) seemed in capable of dealing with more than one helicopter at a time.
Life may not be the party we hoped for---but while we're here--we might as well dance..........

Offline TheSoccerMom

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Mmm-mm, such fun....  it's been a long time since I was in Stockton, but the worst survey job I've had in the last 5 years was right off the end of LAX.....  it's hard enough to keep track of all the traffic when you CAN understand everybody.....    ::eek::

I guess it's everywhere....  just in varying degrees.  A guy came through here the other day and he was lacking in some of the most basic private, even student pilot, knowledge.  The guys who work here all had their jaws hanging open.   ::loony::  Fortunately, they took him under their wing, so to speak, and helped him out, but it was pretty bad. 

And hey, G-Man, I bet it took them 17 minutes to call you back....  because it was YOU!    :-*   :D    ;)

Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline chuckar101

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I hate socal myself. Always fly IFR down there and even thats a joke most of the time.
WOW I did that!

Offline Artoo

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Hey mom, I found it!  Wow! Look at all this information!  I've always desired to be proficient on the radio, and I definitely prefer towered airports because I always sound like a jackass making my radio calls on the CTAF - "*click* Brownwood traffic, uh *click* . . . *click* 1LA , wait Warrior 1LA making left, wait, right closed traffic *click* . . . *click* Brownwood . . . shit *click* shit!"   So much easier when you have people telling you what to do.  But they don't have my favorite term in here "TALLY!" or if I'm in a really good mood "TALLY-HO!"
Stay on target!

Offline YawningMan

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Brownwood!? As in Brownwood, TX? I was born there, and still consider it my second (now third?) home. There are a group of them from that airport that like to come to the Abilene Big Country Airfests. I volunteered there for several years before I moved to east Texas.

Offline Artoo

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Yeah, BWD was my first Solo XC destination from ABI.  My Texas heritage has strong ties to Brownwood, my Granddad, Great Uncle and Aunt, and Great Grandparents are buried in Greenleaf Cemetery.  I lived in Tyler for a year and half after college, and I learned that I much prefer seeing the horizon to seeing trees.  I need to move west of the Pecos, the Hill Country, the Valley, and the Coast so I can try out the rest of the state's diverse environs.  God Bless Texas!  What part of East Texas are you from YawningMan?
Stay on target!

Offline Rooster Cruiser

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Hey mom, I found it!  Wow! Look at all this information!  I've always desired to be proficient on the radio, and I definitely prefer towered airports because I always sound like a jackass making my radio calls on the CTAF - "*click* Brownwood traffic, uh *click* . . . *click* 1LA , wait Warrior 1LA making left, wait, right closed traffic *click* . . . *click* Brownwood . . . shit *click* shit!"   So much easier when you have people telling you what to do.  But they don't have my favorite term in here "TALLY!" or if I'm in a really good mood "TALLY-HO!"

Once you get that coveted airline job, you can make cabin announcements in a similar vein (giggity).   ::silly:: ::drinking:: ::whistle::

"Me 'n Earl was haulin' chickens / On a flatbed outta Wiggins..."

Wolf Creek Pass, by CW McCall